About Us

Welcome to 876now!

876now is your go-to destination for everything happening in and around Jamaica. Born from a deep love for our vibrant culture, rich history, and dynamic people, our blog aims to celebrate and share the essence of Jamaica with the world.

Our Story

Founded in 2022, 876now was created with the mission of connecting Jamaicans at home and abroad to the latest in entertainment, culture, food, and news. The “876” in our name represents Jamaica’s area code, a symbol of pride and connection for all who identify with this beautiful island. We are based in USA, but our hearts are deeply rooted in the lush landscapes and lively communities of Jamaica.

What We Cover

From the latest in music, featuring our talented artists and producers, to the mouth-watering recipes that define Jamaican cuisine, 876now covers it all. We delve into the stories that matter, bringing you news and features that highlight the achievements and challenges of Jamaicans everywhere.

Whether you’re looking for the latest trends, in-depth interviews, or just a taste of home, our blog offers a diverse range of content that caters to every aspect of Jamaican life. 

Our Vision

At 876now, we believe in the power of storytelling and the importance of staying connected to our roots. Our vision is to be the leading digital platform that not only informs but also inspires and engages our readers, fostering a sense of community among Jamaicans worldwide.

Join Us

We invite you to be part of our growing community. Follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, and engage with our content. Together, we can continue to celebrate the vibrant culture and resilient spirit that makes Jamaica truly unique.

Contact Us

We love hearing from our readers! Whether you have a story idea, feedback, or just want to say hi, feel free to reach out to us at thisis876now@gmail.com.